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MPS 896®


An effective additive for Stern Tubes and Bow Thrusters can also be used in CPPs, Rudder Shafts and Rudder Machines. 


LINDEMANN MPS 896 has been developed specifically for use in leaking stern tubes with lip type seals. 

It can be used as stern tube paste on its own or, if added at a rate of 10% of stern tube oil volume, as an additive enhancing wear protecting properties as well as the sealing ability in both inner and outer seals. 

LINDEMANN MPS 896 must be pumped directly  into the stern tube via the drain pipe. If no drain pipe is available, the product should be pumped into the stern tube via the feed line going from the level tank to the stern tube. 

LINDEMANN MPS 896 is a very complex mineral based paste containing seal revitalising additives and providing extreme corrosion protection.

LINDEMANN MPS 896 is an excellent stern tube paste due to its active components that reduce the friction and hence the wear in bearings and propeller shaft/bushing and seals. Also it builds a “dynamic” seal supporting damaged and worn seals both in motion and at rest. Furthermore LINDEMANN MPS 896 holds the ability to revitalise seals giving them back their flexibility.

In addition LINDEMANN MPS 896 contains a very high amount of Teflon, which due to friction will embed the wear surfaces during operation, repairing minor defects in the contact surfaces between shaft and seal. This will prolong the life time of the seals.
LINDEMANN MPS 896 will work equally well with most materials e.g. bronze, chrome, stainless steel or brass and rubber, asbestos and plastics.

  • Reduces or stops leakage and water ingress
  • Minimises initial start-up damage
  • Endures pressure up to and above 137.800 kPa /20.000 psi
  • Reduces wear and friction
  • Resists water washout
  • It offers a high degree of residual lubrication
  • Compatible with mineral, synthetic, and most types of bio-degradable oils

The MPS 896 paste must be injected in its concentrated form to the stern tube via the drain pipe. 

Important: It is necessary to have a suitable pump for the application. Lindemann can supply a high-pressure pump, which suits the 20 kg drum, for easy application. The pump can later be used for other purposes.


MPS 896® is specially designed to re-establish the sealing effect in defective systems with lip type seals such as stern tubes, thrusters and CPPs in cases of oil loss.

MPS 896® can also be used in systems with water ingress when there is no access to the sealing chambers from the aft seal tank.


  • Appearance: Blue Paste
  • Boiling point/range (°C.): 300 °C.
  • Flashpoint: 135 °C.
  • Density at 20 °C. (g/ml): 1.01 kg/l
  • Shelf Life: Min.10 years under correct conditions